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About: Video


Sisters Sharing our Story

Helllooooo and thanks for checking out our a bit about us we are sisters who have come together to share our life lessons.
The journey that
1. Around 8% of BAME in tech
2. 1 in 29 5-16 year olds has been bereaved of a parent or sibling - that's a child in every average class.
3. 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England
4. 55 percent said they logged in after 11 p.m., and 59 percent said they looked at e-mail while on vacation
So we want to share our lessons on a range of topics to make an impact on these numbers from loss of loved ones to challenges with fear, anxiety and stress that we experience in life. But also the journey we go through from school to university and the landing a job in the corporate world. This is when the real meaning of work life balance kicked in... and we have learnt so much on this journey alone!

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